
Call for Chapters / Chamada de Trabalhos para Capítulos de Livro


Publisher: scientifica academica libri – SAL

No Publication Charge

  • Type of Chapter articles: Research/Review/Case study reports
  • References - Authors may submit their references in any style. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. All references should be cited within the text and uncited references will be removed.
  • Type of publication: Open Access (with DOI given to each chapter) & Print on Demand
  • Language of publication: English, Portuguese, Spanish or French.
  • Fees: no publication fees.

Dear Authors, we invite you to submit Chapter Proposals on our upcoming book. In this regard, we wish to receive research and review articles from experts, scientists and researchers of life science streams. We are approaching you with a request to contribute your chapters, without any processing charges. The authors can submit their full chapter Word for review (a single-spaced document written in 12-point font, Times New Roman). The final chapter should be in the format provided by the publisher. Each chapter can have 10 – 30 pages. All the chapters must be original contributions of the authors. In case of using published figures/materials, the authors must obtain prior permission of re-use as required by the publisher. All the chapters will go through similarity software check - iThenticate. An overall similarity index of less than 15% should be ensured. Reviewing policy: The review process will be single blind. Information Link email:

Submission Link email:

What SAL Does Not Accept

  1. Plagiarism. SAL takes concerns of plagiarism very seriously. All manuscripts are checked for plagiarized passages prior to being accepted for publication. Please ensure that all information taken from outside sources is properly cited and that all thoughts are composed in your own words. All instances of plagiarism will be immediately returned to the authors for correction and may be cause for removal of the manuscript from the publication. 
  2. LaTex. LaTex files are NOT accepted because they are not compatible with SAL’s typesetting program. As an alternative, we require that you use MathType (see the “Equations” section).
Saiba mais sobre Call for Chapters / Chamada de Trabalhos para Capítulos de Livro